A bulging or herniated disc can cause debilitating pain for sufferers. Not only does it get in the way of being active, but it can also stop you from carrying out the most basic tasks. This common and frustrating back injury should always be given the best chance to heal naturally, to encourage long term regeneration and to reduce the reoccurrence of future injury. Managing the injury properly with adequate treatment and care will safeguard the future of your spinal health.
Firstly, let’s explore the condition that is a herniated disc, otherwise known as a bulging disc.
What is a herniated disc?

In certain movements and activities, such as lifting, twisting, or in times of sudden impact, additional pressure can be placed on spinal discs, resulting in a herniation.
A herniated disc occurs when part of the soft centre of a spinal disc (nucleus pulposus) bulges and then breaks through the disc’s outer shell (annulus fibrosus) and enters the spinal canal. The disc matter can irritate nearby spinal nerve roots and cause severe pain, weakness and numbness.
In many cases, the pain caused by a herniated lumbar disc radiates down the buttocks and legs, commonly known as sciatica. Herniated discs in the lower back can also cause numbness, tingling or weakness in the legs or feet. This most commonly occurs in people aged 30-50 years with a male to female ratio of 2:1.*
Conservative Treatment and its Success
There’s no denying the discomfort you will feel when suffering with a herniated disc. While many may assume that a more drastic approach involving surgery is required, the good news is that a conservative approach with adequate treatments (and time to heal) can allow the spine to recover.
In many cases the body will heal itself when accompanied by a conservative approach. This approach to healing can also reduce the likelihood of pain returning. Soft tissue injuries classically take 8 – 12 weeks to heal themselves and this time must be given to the spinal disc(s) to allow them to respond to the conservative decompression treatment.
Non Surgical Spinal Decompression – a Conservative Approach
At NSSC, we design a unique program that starts with intensive non-surgical spinal decompression treatments. These treatments incorporate a blend of gentle yet progressively increased force and repetition, aiming for complete pressure relief on the discs. Following this, a lighter program consisting of less frequent treatments is implemented for maintenance while allowing the discs to undergo a full healing process (typically taking 8-12 weeks).
By giving it the best chance to “naturally” heal, over time there will there be a good chance that the disc won’t bulge or herniate again. Before turning to medications and surgery, consider a conservative approach to healing your bulging or herniated disc. Non-surgical spinal decompression has shown to be highly effective for relieving the compression associated with herniated discs, sciatica and other spine related concerns.
To learn more about our treatment and how it can relieve your low back pain caused by a bulging or herniated disc, please head here.
We treat conditions such as bulging discs in Melbourne with our non surgical spinal decompression. For non surgical back pain treatment utilising our spinal decompression machine, we welcome you to connect with us to explore your journey toward back pain relief.
*National Library of Medicine