What exactly is decompression of the spine?


Dictionary definition:   Compressed

Adjective – flattened by pressure; squeezed or pressed together

Dictionary definition:    Decompress

Verb – relieve or reduce the pressure on (something)

Decompression of the spine has two meanings.

1/ The process of reversing the compression of the spinal vertebrae. 

2/ A term commonly used to refer to the surgical procedure to relieve pressure in the spine. 

A compressed spine is when the vertebrae are pressed together closer than they should normally be. Compression forces the discs to bulge and interfere with the nerves.
Decompression of the spine takes the pressure off the discs to relieve pain.

How Does Compression of the Spine Occur?


Compression is caused by injury (the most common being lifting), sport or accidents. It can also develop over time as gravity, age, weight gain and incorrect posture/activity make changes to the spine.

My How You’ve Grown!   Article from NASA 

Space travel is a good example of how gravity effects our bodies.


Is Decompression of the Spine a good thing?

Decompression of the Spine is an effective solution to relieve chronic pain. There are two methods and here we describe the benefits and risks.


The Surgical Option

Any surgery takes time out of your usual schedule.  Hospital stays, recovery at home and possibly lengthy rehabilitation. All surgery carries some risks. Some of the risks your surgeon will discuss with you are:

Recurrent or continuing symptoms


Nerve injury


Surgical procedures range from removal of small parts of the bone or disc to removal of an entire disc. Removal of the entire disc requires either fusion of the vertebrae or insertion of a metal or plastic replacement disc.  

Robotic and keyhole surgery developments have made some surgeries less invasive.


The Non Surgical Option

The obvious benefit of the non surgical option is the lack of surgery. Without the surgical incision, there is no physical recovery, no rehabilitation and low risk of infection. A small walk is encouraged after each treatment after which patients can resume normal activities. 

Non surgical decompression is delivered on a computerised table which applies a precise and gentle stretch. The benefit is achieved by repetition whilst gradually increasing the stretch to relieve the pressure.  

This process encourages the compressed or bulging disc to resume its normal role of cushioning the vertebrae. Trapped nerves can also be released during this process.


The aim of the non surgical option is to:

Improve mobility

Reduce pain

Reduce the need for pain medications or anti-inflammatory drugs

The risks for some patients is that this treatment may not reduce the pain 100% and that strengthening exercises or maintenance treatments may be required to achieve sustainable results.


In all decisions about your health you should make sure that you are getting the best, most up to date treatment available. New technologies are being developed all the time.

More information about Non Surgical Spinal Decompression can be viewed at:






  • Non Invasive
  • Convenient

    No down time from normal activities.

  • Natural

    Natural process for peace of mind.

  • Drug free

    No drugs used at all through the process.


Treatments are extremely gentle, non invasive and suitable for chronic conditions in the cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower back) regions of the spine.

Conditions most responsive are lower back and neck pain, sciatica, arm and/or leg pain caused by bulging discs, disc herniations and degenerative disc disease.

Taking the pressure of the discs and joints, through gentle and specifically targeted stretching of the spine, to reduce pain and improve mobility.

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